Aussie In Seoul

Well here is the deal. I am Australian and just moved to Seoul with my wife to work in a 5 star hotel. I hope to share some of my thoughts and comments over the Years I am here!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Get me out of Seoul

To say the least, the last few weeks have been crazy. Hotel full, too many conferences, lots of the corporate bosses in, projects to finish, and the weather sucks!

But heck, today is Valentine's Day, and my wonerderful wife's B'day, so we had a lovely dinner in the Table 34 restaurant in the hotel.

Friday evening off to Philippines for a week or so to feel what warm weather is like, visit family, relax, and a few other things.

Sorry, for a lack of blogs! Aloha


  • At 9:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    damn man, seems like you are always going on holiday. I bet the Korean staff aren't so lucky

  • At 12:40 pm, Anonymous Julie said…

    Yes. Once in a while let's all unwind out of the country.

  • At 11:00 am, Anonymous Kstylick said…

    Go away after that craziness. Relax for a while and be refreshed. It will do you good.


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